Saturday, February 23, 2013

Boys & Their Power Tools

Today Landon helped Sean build a bookshelf we bought for the front room. When I saw Sean with his power drill, I quickly grabbed Landon's and handed it to him. I said, "Landon, go help Daddy build the shelf!" and he ran into the room and quickly got to work. The best part: it kept him busy for a least 15-20mins, and he honestly didn't get in Sean's way! I kept pointing to parts of the shelf that needed to be "tightened" and Landon would come over, position his drill just right, then press until it made the "power" noise that it does. Absolutely adorable.


  1. I LOVE this because it's so boy and so cool to watch sons idolize their Daddy! Can't believe how fun it is to watch them grow and learn new things. He is adorable (and Sean's pretty cute too;)!!!

  2. He knows exactly what to do. Love this
