Tuesday, February 28, 2012

149 Days

The last 149 days as a "housewife" and "stay-at-home-mom" have been unbelievable: rewarding, amusing, fun, heart-warming, relaxing, and fulfilling. I am so lucky to be Landon's Mama, and to have spent the last 149 days at home with him.

Tomorrow, I head back to work...not because I have to, but because I am choosing to. For some reason, this makes me feel much better about the decision. If I had to go back to work out of obligation, I would likely be much more frustrated and sad about leaving Landon. I am eager to start the next phase of my life as a "working mom". I hope that I begin to set a good example for Landon because I want him to be as proud of me as I already am of him. 

Landon, be a good boy at school: make friends, listen to your teachers, and remember that Mama & Dada can't wait to pick you up everyday!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Landon Visits Texas

We just got back from our trip to Texas to visit my parents (aka "Loulee" and "Papa")! Visiting my parents was so nice, and so easy! Mom and Dad had a crib set-up for Landon and changing pad on the dresser...it made Landon's adjustment to the new place super easy! While we were there, we kept him on California time (which meant he didn't go down to bed until 9:30pm Texas time)! That meant more play time with Grandma & Grandpa!

Here are 7 Highlights from this trip: 

1. Landon's second airplane ride. We will definitely fly with him again! He sleeps on planes like his Mama.

2. Watching YouTube videos with Loulee, singing along.

3. Sitting with the family every night for Dinner -- talking, conversing, giggling, and playing!

4. Landon's first art project at Practically Picasso Pottery in Waco!

5. Seeing Awesome Austin

6. The tour of SpaceX (Thanks, Dad!)

7. Giggling at Papa - he is SO silly!

It was absolutely precious to see Landon interact with my Mom & Dad. I can tell he loves them already, because he knows how much they love him! Can't wait for our next visit :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sixteen Years

Sixteen years ago today, Sean asked me to be his girlfriend (in a card he gave me at my locker). We were 13 years old.

Sixteen years later, we are married with a beautiful baby boy. We are 29 years old.

Sixteen years from now, Landon will be getting his driver's license. We will be 45 years old. 

I love my husband. 
I adore my son. 
I cherish my family. 
I treasure my friends. 

Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

2 Milestones...1 Night

Tonight, Landon did 2 things he's never done before: 

1. He tried Rice Cereal for the first time! Our first attempt (in his bumbo seat) was unsuccessful, but the second try (in his high chair this time) was a success! He was curious, interested, and gulped down a few spoonfuls of the watery mush. We'll keep trying it once a day for the next week or so, as he learns how to move the food from the front of his mouth to the back, then swallow. It was really exciting! Man, this is going to get messy fast!

"Okay, I got this weird plastic bib on...let's do this!"

Test-driving his High Chair

"Mom, are you sure this is safe?"

2. Landon rolled over from his back to his tummy for the first time! It was in slow motion, but he did it! We had to bribe him with not ONE, not TWO, but ALL THREE of his puppies! Hey, it worked! See his cheering squad of stuffed puppies below!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Landon Meets Uncle Aaron

Landon is one lucky baby. He has many Aunts & Uncles who love him lots. Uncle Aaron, Landon's youngest Uncle (he turns 18 this month), was the last to meet him. I think they are going to be fast friends, I mean look -- Landon spit up on Aaron, and he didn't even flinch! Maybe we have Aaron to thank for Landon's blue eyes...what do you think? 


Growing up, my parents would sing this song to us while we bounced on their knees. I have already starting singing the "Ride-E-Ride" song to Landon, and he LOVES it! 

You Can Ride
Got a Little Kitty Cat Tied to My Side
Got a Little Doggie Tied to My Knee (or Toe)
On My Way to See (insert name that rhymes with knee/toe here)! 

Friday, February 3, 2012

4 Month Check-Up

Landon had his 4 month check-up with Dr. Barone yesterday. He had another round of vaccinations (poor thing), but he toughed it out! Here are his latest stats:

Head Circumference: 43cm (87th percentile)
Length: 26.25in (89th percentile)
Weight: 16lbs 2oz (63rd percentile)