Monday, February 11, 2013

LRG: Living Up to His Name

Today we had Landon's regular check-up with his pediatrician. As always, we were eager to get him measured & to see his stats. We were especially eager this time, however, because whenever new people meet Landon they always ask, "How old is he?". To which we reply, "Sixteen months". We are almost always met with dropped jaws, gasps, or the common "Woah, he's a big boy for his age!" To which we reply, "Yep, he's a big kid!"

Let's just say our suspicions, and the wisdom of the crowd in and around San Jose are correct: Landon is a big boy!

Head Circumference: 49.9cm (100th percentile) 
Height: 33.5in (95th percentile)
Weight: 30lbs (100th percentile)


  1. Holy big Landon, 100%. I wish I was 100% of anything!

  2. He is just awesome, love our big boy. Love Loulee
