Monday, March 26, 2012

School Days

 Landon's first month of school has been wonderful. Sean and I are both really happy with Merryhill and his teachers (Miss Kathy, Miss Maria, and Miss Anjali). What has surprised me the most is that he is already doing "art projects" in his class. It would be one thing for his teachers to tell us about what they did that day, and maybe send home a sample of his "art" at the end of each month, but they take it to a whole new level by....


As a camera-obsessed, photo capturing freak, seeing pictures of what Landon did at school absolutely makes my day. I teared up the first time I saw his awesome green finger-painted leprechaun, and the look of sheer determination on his face as he figured out how to put the paint on his hand onto the paper.

Just a week later, Landon was "gluing" different colored farm animals onto construction paper, as he teachers described the animals. "That is a red rooster, Landon...This one is a brown cow!"

My baby, who's not even 6 months old, has already done two art projects. Don't expect me to post every masterpiece this little man creates over the next few years, but please join me in enjoying this beautiful moment, when there were only 2. 

I am ooozing with pride and adoration and can't wait to  see what he's doing in school next month.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Landon's First Baseball

The highlight of our recent trip to Arizona for Spring Training, for me, was when "Uncle" Dustin snagged a foul ball at the Rangers-Diamondbacks game on St. Patrick's Day. Getting the ball was cool in its own right, but its what Dustin did next that really made it special.

Dustin gave the ball to Landon (his very first ever...sooo cool) and had everyone in our crew (20+ people) sign the ball for him! I gotta be honest, I got a little teary eyed from the gesture. Thanks for helping make this trip special for him, Dustin!

Dustin may be familiar to many of you, as his athletic prowess and expertise and "catching stuff" has been on display before. Do you remember our wedding in 2009? If so, you'll remember that Dustin's speed and agility secured him as the "winner" of the garter toss.

Spring Training in Arizona!

We traveled to Phoenix this past weekend for what has become an annual tradition: Spring Training! Sean has gone almost every year to celebrate Dan's birthday, and I've gone a bunch of times to visit Jess & Jason. This year schedules and plans aligned that we could do one big family trip! We got to help Dan celebrate his 30th birthday in style, and spend a lot of good time with the Boes Family (and baby Payton)!

Landon went to his first ever Spring Training baseball game on Friday afternoon (the Angels hosted the Indians at Tempe Stadium). It was hot, so the babies (and their Mamas) didn't last the entire game, but still enjoyed the experience!

On Saturday, he attended his first-ever tailgate and second baseball game (the Rangers hosted the Diamondbacks at Surprise Stadium). The weather was amazing: overcast & much cooler than Friday, so the babies not only got to enjoy the tailgate, but also made it through the entire game!

Overall, Landon traveled well and adjusted by taking naps wherever he could (in the Baby Bjorn, on a blanket in the grass, in the car...wherever)! We're so lucky to have such a happy, adaptable baby. He rolls with whatever we throw his, we'll continue to travel and do the things we enjoy with him at our side!

More updates on our little man:

  • Landon is cutting his first 2 teeth (you can actually see them coming through his lower gum)! 
  • Landon has mastered the art of eating solid foods. He opens his mouth when he sees the spoon, and swallows the majority of what we put in his mouth. Now it is time to introduce variety! So far he's eaten Rice Cereal, Pureed Carrots, and Pureed Sweet Potato. This weekend, he'll have his first fruit! 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Water Baby

After Happy Hollow on Sunday, we joined Auntie Carlene and Uncle Ivy at their pool for some fun in the sun! Landon's only experience with water has been in the bath tub so far, so this was a big day, indeed! 

Team Greenwood was all smiles before swimming!

Landon showing off his game face!
"I'm so ready for this!"

Toes are in the water!
"I'm not sure if I like this yet"

In he goes! 
"Hold on tight, Dada! Don't let go!"

After their first (of MANY) swims together. 
Sean was a Proud Papa today, for sure!

Future Zoologist

We were lucky enough to have GREAT weather this weekend, so we took advantage on Sunday and headed to Happy Hollow in San Jose. This was Landon's second trip there, and he seemed to "enjoy" it a little more this time! By "enjoy" I mean, he was awake the entire time (last time he snoozed through half the park)! Landon rocked a hat to block the sun from his face (thanks, cousin Alex for the hand-me-down)! He looked so official in his hat and plaid shirt -- if he could walk, I bet Happy Hollow would've hired him on the spot! Landon, will you be a Zoologist or Veterinarian when you grow up?