Monday, December 24, 2012

Our Christmas Morning

This morning, the three of us celebrated our family Christmas at home. It was so awesome to see Landon so happy and excited to see all of his presents under the tree. Here's a few pics for to Orange County this afternoon, then Chilly Philly on Wednesday!

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

First Annual Friends Holiday Dinner

We were lucky enough to host a bunch of our friends last Sunday for (what I hope was the first annual) holiday dinner! Everyone contributed a dish, app, or drinks, and we enjoyed an afternoon of fun, including a white elephant gift exchange for the adults, and early Christmas presents for the little guys!

The holiday season is usually so busy, and between making time to visit family near and far, wrapping up work for the year, and making time for company holiday parties, I find that your close friends often get neglected! It was great to be able to set aside some time to celebrate the holidays with our friends (before we all ship off to see our families all over the country)!

Merry (early) Christmas, everyone!

All set!
Landon and his ladies (Jeannine & Carlene) readin' books
Landon, Brandon, and Tyler
pTim thought he scored with this White Elephant gift...'til it got stolen!
White Elephant aftermath
Our remote shutter is coming in handy these days...everyone's in the picture!

Christmas Art Projects

We are really happy with Landon's new school. His teachers are great, he's so happy, and the parents are all super nice & friendly. His teachers share so much info about his day: what he did, who he played with, what activities he enjoyed, and more. I love getting glimpses into his school life, and am so proud of how he's adjusted to the "big boy" classroom: eating at a table, using a spoon, cleaning up after himself, washing his hands, sleeping on a cot, and more!

Here's the latest dose of Landon's art work, all Christmas themed, of course!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Our little man has been a word-explosion the last week or so. One of my favorites came last Monday...check it out:

Monday, December 10, 2012


We sure are trying our best to raise a happy, healthy, and polite little human being. This last week, Landon showed us that our hard work must be paying off in the "polite" category! Unprompted, our little man said "than-goo" after I handed him a fruit snack. I immediately withheld additional fruit snacks, ran inside, grabbed the flip cam, and tried again. He delivered...little man said "than-goo" after every fruit snack I handed him!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Santa, Meet Landon!

We took Landon to the mall on Saturday morning to get his picture taken with Santa. A huge improvement from the meeting they had last year at the CMI Holiday party (see below). When I put Landon on Santa's lap, Santa warned me that he would probably get scared (based on his age)...but our little man looked right up at the bearded fella, smiled (as if saying "hey, nice to meet you"), then smiled adorably at the camera to help us get this great shot! 

2011 CMI Holiday Party