Saturday, November 21, 2015

Kidz Love Soccer (Fall 2015)

This November, Landon wrapped up his second year of Kidz Love Soccer (Saturday morning skills & drills, led by coaches). We are so proud of our big boy: he's dribbling, passing, shooting, scoring, and, for the most part, staying on his feet! He's listening to his coaches, and really starting to learn the sport that Sean and I love so much. Next up...a real team, and real games! I can hardly wait!

A special moment: Coach Paul helping them learn that when their teammate scores, the whole team scores! He would ask: who scored that goal? (Landon!) What color jersey is Landon wearing? (Green) Raise you hand if you're on the Green Team! Did only Landon score that goal, or did the whole Green team help!? (The Green Team!). I may have teared up a bit. :)

He's cheeks get flushed/red like Mommy's!