Thursday, May 30, 2013

One-Handed Shots

While "Loulee" (aka my Mom) was visiting this weekend, Landon decided to surprise us by starting to shoot a basketball with one hand. He is so determined & serious (and gets SO frustrated when he doesn't get it right). This kid hasn't stopped surprising us!

Oh yeah, he's wearing "big boy underwear" that Loulee bought him. He is NOT potty-trained, this was just a fun, diaper-free backyard play session.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Word Explosion

I can't believe that I breezed through my Mother's Day blog post without mentioning the most awesome part of the entire day: Landon said his longest sentence to date (four words, 5 syllables):

I Love You Mama

Melt. My. Heart.

This little man is a talking machine these days! We stopped counting his words a few months ago when he reached 30+. At this stage, he honestly can recognize & say at least 50-60 unique words, but the coolest part is how he is learning to string them together. He especially likes to associate objects or actions with people. Here are some recent examples:

Landon Eat
Dada Hat
Landon Bike
Mama "Eeet down" (Sit Down)
Mama Pull (said when he's trying to pull me up)
Help Me 
Landon Buckle 
Dada Car / Mama Car (and he knows the difference despite us both driving white SUVs)
Bye Bye Home (when we leave the house)
Hi Dada
Shoes On (he usually says his when he wants to go kid)
Thank You Dada
More Cracker
Water Ice (this kid prefers ice in his sippy cup)
Big Truck/Pool/DogDog/Hoop/Airplane ("Big" is his favorite adjective - everything is "big" just like our lil LRG!)
Row Row Boat

One of my favorites, said while running between us stealing a series of repeat hugs:
Mama Hug-Dada Hug-Mama Hug-Dada Hug

When he wakes up in the morning, its as if he wants to check to make sure he can still remember how to say the words he could say the day before. From the monitor some mornings we'll hear him taking inventory of the things in his room:

"Dog Dog, Goal, Football, Elmo, Blue (Blanket), Yellow (Blanket), Landon/Rah Rah/Baby (Pictures on his bulletin board), Oooh-Oooh-Aaah-Aaah (Monkey, obviously), Dog Dog, Blue, Baby, Nemo...."

While I am nostalgic and sometimes miss baby Landon, I have to say, every stage brings new fun, excitement, and entertainment. We're so eager to continue to watch (& shape) who this little guy becomes!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mother's Day was Awesome

My second Mother's Day was awesome. Sean & Landon made me breakfast, complete with a smiley face plate, mimosas, and chocolate covered strawberries! We ate together outside on the patio, enjoying another beautiful day in San Jose. 

Later that afternoon, our friends came over to enjoy another "Sunday Funday" filled with BBQ, a few beers, an inflatable pool, and some sprinkler fun!

Life is so good. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Biker Boy

So, Sean and I decided to buy bikes for each other for Mothers & Fathers day. We pulled the trigger last weekend because our local bike shop was having a sale. We snagged helmets this week, and an awesome front-mounted seat for Landon. To be honest, I was unsure if he'd like it...and was a little worried he'd be scared. This little man shocked us both by absolutely LOVING his first bike ride today. The entire ride he said "Lan-Don-Bike...Da-Da-Bike....weee...woooo...goooooo...Mama-Bike...happy". He loved the wind in his hair, and didn't seem to mind the special bike "hat" he had to wear. Safety first, biker boy!