Sunday, April 19, 2015

Cohen the Crawler

It's official, Cohen is now a mover and a shaker. He's been scooting and rolling for a few weeks now, but this weekend he started to show off a bit. At Dan & Carlene's place on Saturday he got from his belly to a seated position for the first time, and now he's doing it like dozens of times a day! On top of that, he finally figured out how to coordinate his arm & leg movements while on all fours, to put together a sequence of motions that looked like crawling to us! Watch out Landon, Coey is comin' for you!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Girls Weekend in Scottsdale

In late March, 7 of the greatest women I know and I descended on the state of Arizona for a much needed, and well-deserved, kid-less, husband-less, girls weekend! We made no plans, which made us all very happy! We enjoyed sleeping in (I forgot what that felt like), drinks by the pool, good food, walks to Starbucks, naps by the pool, magazine reading...all of the things that I miss now that I am a busy, working, mama of two!

We vowed to do this again, hopefully next Spring in another sunny, warm location. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Pismo Beach Weekend

In April, we spent a weekend down at Pismo Beach. We met up with friends (The Haleys) who were in town from Colorado, and our friends the Burrisses, who were also on the Central Coast. It was a great reminder of how lucky we are: #1 to have such great friends near and far and #2 to live in this beautiful state! Pismo is just a 3hr car drive from here, but we really felt like we were on vacation. Our hotel had a pool, and a staircase that led down to the beach. We couldn't have asked for better weather, either! The boys got to explore the tide pools for the first time, the moms got a chance to have a drink at a bar in the middle of the day (what a treat), and the adults all got to enjoy a nice, kid-less dinner thanks to Jason's Mom, Dina! Oddly enough, all 3 families have 2 sons: the Haleys have Chase & Blake, the Burrisses have Tyler & Brandon, and we, of course, have Landon & Cohen. I guess we only make boys!

This was Cohen's first trip to the beach, and he was such a trooper! He played, he ate, and he napped in the tent! Looking forward to many more beach days this Summer!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015

So behind on blogging, but that's not going to stop me! Our first Easter with two boys was a lot of fun. The Nelson Way neighbors hosted an Easter Egg hunt in our front yard for the kiddos, and a potluck breakfast for the adults. It was fun watching Landon tear it up in the yard, scrambling for eggs, and surveying his loot afterwards. Cohen enjoyed picking up the plastic eggs and banging them together.