Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

Every year holidays get a little more fun! Landon is 3 now, and was very excited about Halloween! He calls it "Halloween Day" and must have gone through a dozen costume choices before settling on Rafael, the red Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Note: the way Landon says Ninja Turtle is hilarious/ sounds more like "Linja Turtle", and I laugh every time.

Halloween festivities kicked off with the annual "Imagination Parade" at his preschool. The kids didn't disappoint, so much cuteness in one small parade around the blacktop!

I let Landon choose Cohen's costume, knowing that this may be the only year Cohen would allow it! He chose a "baby dragon", that's what I ordered! Here's our little Coey Bear, dressed as a blue dragon.

On "Halloween Day", we invited the Iversons, the Burrisses, the McMillans, and the Guerrants over for a pre-party (pizza, anyone!?) and some Nelson Way trick or treating! Landon was a champ this year, hitting up twice as many houses as he did last year! I guess a Ninja Turtle can cover more ground than an Astronaut. By the end of the block, Landon was dragging his pumpkin full of candy, scraping the ground as he hustled from house to house. I offered to carry it for him, but he refused. What a big boy!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Cohen's 1 Month Check-Up

Little brother joined big brother for a visit to Dr. Barone in early October. Cohen was due for his one-month check-up, and Landon was due for his 3 year check-up. While Landon struggled to keep it together, and cried most of the 2 appointments, Cohen was a brave little baby! Our little (big) guy is growing like a weed...and has already put on 4lbs since birth! Here's a one-month photo of Cohen, and his one-month stats:

Cohen's One-Month Stats: 
Height: 22.25in (76th Percentile)
Weight: 12lbs 12oz (99th Percentile) - He's already gained 4lbs since birth!
Head Circumference: 40cm (99th Percentile)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Landon's 3 Year Check-Up

In Early October, Landon had his 3 year check-up with Dr. Barone. I wasn't sure what to expect, given he has newly developed fears. He is sometimes afraid of: loud noises, strangers, family he doesn't see often, foods he "doesn't like", rides at Happy Hollow that he used to LOVE...the list goes on.

We went in for this appointment as a team of four, as Dr. Barone was going to be checking up on one-month-old Cohen, too. I thought for sure that Landon would want to be a good big brother, and show Cohen the ropes, act brave, etc etc. We weren't so lucky. He was too "scared" and "shy" to perform his eye test, then proceeded to cry for the remainder of his appointment, and most of brother's. Rough morning, but all in all, we have a healthy, growing young boy, who hopefully will be over this "fearful" stage by the time we see Dr. Barone again next Fall!

He is still living up to his initials: LRG! (He has been "a pound per inch" since he was about 18mos, when he was 32lbs and 34inches). But, watch out Lando...Cohen is coming for you!

Landon's Stats
Height: 40.5 inches (3ft 4in) - 97th Percentile 
Weight: 41lbs - 99th Percentile

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Cohen's First Smile Captured on Camera

For the past few days, Cohen has been cooing and grinning at his big brother every chance he can get. It is so incredibly adorable, that I just sit still and enjoy...resisting the urge to leave the room, grab my camera, and try to snap a photo.

This morning, it was my turn to work hard to get baby Cohen to give me a smile. Lots of high pitched singing, tickling, and hair brushing later (for some reason, when I brush his hair he sometimes must tickle a bit!?)...I got this one:

Can't wait for more...these dimples are legit.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Landon's 3rd Birthday Party

On Saturday October 4th, we hosted our largest party yet to celebrate Landon's 3rd birthday! We invited family & local friends, Landon's buddies from preschool, and our neighbors, and were thrilled with the turn-out. At my final count, we hosted over 50 adults & 25 kiddos. O.M.G. Highlights of the big day included:

- a (planned) visit from the San Jose Fire Department (don't worry, we didn't set the house on fire)
- a jumpy house in the front yard
- sidewalk chalk & play-doh table for the well behaved girls
- balls, bats, goals, and a play structure for the rambunctious boys
- plenty of "mommy & daddy drinks" for the parents
- Sean's entire family's attendance (all 5 of Sean's siblings, all of Landon's cousins, both grandparents, 2 great-grandparents...oh my!)
- 18 large pizzas
- Landon sharing a quiet moment on the couch with Aunt Dee Dee & Uncle Gary, gnawing on a slice of pizza
- 4 dozen delicious cupcakes (with WHITE frosting this year. Let's just say that the RED and BLUE frosting last year was a bad choice...)
- the group singing happy birthday  to Landon "quietly" at my request, because he's sort of scared of loud noises right now!
- hiding the gifts from Landon so he wasn't tempted to tear into them before we were ready!
- too many wonderful & thoughtful gifts for our big boy (including a new scooter, his first set of golf clubs, and his very first skateboard)

What a lucky lucky boy our Landon is! Photo highlights & a few short videos included below!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

LRG3: Landon Turns Three

It is insanely hard to believe that our "Lil LRG" is 3 today. I 'interviewed' him last night to try to document what his little mind is up to as a newly minted 3 year old. Here is the transcript of that conversation: 

Interview with Our Three Year Old
What is your name? Landon
How do you spell your name? L-A-N-D-O-N
What is your address? 14801 Nelson Way
When is your birthday? October 2nd
Who is your best friend? Tyler
What do you want to be for Halloween? A Tiger
What is your favorite color? Red 
Why? Because it is my favorite color
What is your favorite…
…song? Dinosaur Rescue
…animal? Tiger
…sport? Soccer 
Why? Because it is my favorite sport. I like to kick it in the goal
…toy? Ninja Turtle Van & 4 Turtles (I want my cousins to share with me)
…fruit? Apples & blueberries
…food? Mac N Cheese, and macaroni and cheese too
Who are your teachers? Miss Maddie & Miss Jessica
Who is your favorite teacher? Miss Maddie
Favorite thing to do on the playgroud? Play with trucks
In classroom? Like to play with blocks, building a castle
How much do you weigh? I weigh 40 pounds!
Book? Dinosaur Rescue
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Playing games on the airplane
…with Mommy? Play soccer
What is your baby brother’s name? Cohen
Is he big or small? Small
What do you think of him? I think he can grow up in a minute. 
What will happen when he grows up? He will be a boy
Do you have any questions for me? Mommy. I think you have to go potty, and and then take a bath, then watch a show with me, then go to bed with daddy and brother.