Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Recap 2013

This Christmas was packed, fun, full of travel, and lots of great memories. Here's a quick recap, and photo highlights, of course!

A few weeks before Christmas, we took Landon to the Mall to meet Santa. He looked absolutely adorable in his button up, red tie, and grey sweater. I honestly thought our chances of getting a smile were 50/50...but this little man came through! Landon not only sat on Santa's lap, but also told him what he wanted for Christmas this year: "Mickey Toys"!

The weekend before Christmas, we drove down to the Central Coast to help celebrate Dylan's birthday and an early Christmas with most of Sean's family. The weather was so awesome, we decided to do an outdoor picnic instead of staying cooped up in the house!

Next up, we celebrated our first Christmas Eve & Christmas morning at our house! It was so wonderful to be home, under our own tree able to leave cookies and snacks for Santa and his reindeer, and enjoy a quiet peaceful morning in our PJs tearing into our new presents! Later that afternoon, we enjoyed a yummy italian dinner with some of Sean's family.

The next day, we flew to Florida to spend a few days with the Hartmans! Big thanks to Sarah & Josh for hosting ALL of us. Landon was stoked to see his East Coast cousins, check out Disneyworld's Magic Kingdom, and see the real life rocket ship at the Kennedy Space Center with Papa.

Before flying back to California, we headed North to visit Team Boes in Jacksonville! They just moved into a their beautiful new home, and helped to show us around their new hood. Can't be a beach trip in late December!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Friendsgiving & Friendsmas 2013

This year we were lucky enough to celebrate an early Thanksgiving & an early Christmas with our friends! Since the actual holidays are almost always reserved for, and spent with family...it was great to be able to celebrate and share traditions with our friends...the Bay Area family we've chosen:)

This year's "Friendsgiving" was hosted by the Burriss Family, and was so much fun! Everyone brought a dish or two, Jeannine set a beautiful big table for all of us, and we ended the night with a toddler pajama dance party that made every laugh!

This year's "Friendsmas" was held at our house (like last year). We ran back the Italian theme, munching on baked ziti, sausage and meatballs, green and quinoa salads, garlic bread, and homemade cookie ice cream sandwiches for dessert! We did a White Elephant gift exchange again...and well, you'll see below what some of the top prizes were!