Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My First Love & My Little Love

Sean, My First Love

I have loved Sean as long as I've known him. It was first a puppy-love, the kind only a 13 year old would understand. Regardless of my age and obvious immaturity, I knew (even way back then) that Sean was special, and that he made me feel special, and that we made a great team. Later, it grew to true love and led to the natural decision to spend our lives together as husband & wife. Today, as parents, our love has grown and strengthened in ways I could not have imagined. Our bond is about so much than just the 2 of us now: it is about our family, and our values, and our future. I love Sean. He is my first love, my favorite teammate, and the best Dad for our son.

Landon, My Little Love

From the moment he made his on-time debut into this world, Landon has made me smile. I could not have dreamed of a cooler, sweeter, smarter, more awesome son. He is pure sunshine to me, and brings me so much happiness. I am enjoying watching him grow, develop, and become a little man: full of personality, spunk, and sweetness! I am so proud to be his Mom, and totally-mega love him.


  1. LOVE this post and your adorable little family. Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. So cute Stace! Adorable Greenwood family. :)

  3. Brought tears to my eyes. SO SPECIAL. I have to say that those two boys struck gold, too :) I love your whole family. xo
