Sunday, May 31, 2015

Leigh High School Stampede 5k

On Sunday May 31st, I ran my second 5k of the year, the Leigh High School Stampede, benefiting our local high school. I was excited to have Sean and the boys join me to cheer me on, and see me cross the finish line. Landon was super bummed that he didn't get to run it with me, and wanted to run he last few yards with me...but I was too focused on finishing strong and fast. My goal was to finish under 35mins, and I surprised myself by finishing under 30! My official time was 29:21, averaging a 9:28min mile, and believe it or not...I was the fastest woman in my age group! (30-39) I hope to run a few more this summer, and keep working on improving my time! Big thanks to Sean, Landon, and Cohen for cheering me on...even if I didn't "win the race" as Landon so honestly expressed to me afterward. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Girls on the Run 5k

On Saturday, May 16th I ran my first 5k in years! I was encouraged to sign up by my awesome group of BabyBootcamp Mamas, which was really motivating. It was a great race, benefiting an awesome cause. The course began and ended in Vasona Park in Los Gatos, was a long winding loop in and around the park and lake, including one unexpected and pretty tough hill climb. It was a big race, with easily over a few thousand participants. My goal was to finish under 35mins, and I did! Not sure of my official time because it's not a timed race, but another Mama I was running with timed herself under 32mins, and I finished ahead of her by a bit! I'll never love running, but setting goals and working to beat them is motivating, so I think I'll keep signing up for 5ks (or 10ks eventually), with the intent of continuing to push myself to stay in shape!

Here are a few pics I took from the day!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Mother's Day 2015 will always be special to me, 'cause it is the first time I've celebrated as a mama of 2! Things I've learned since taking on two: 

1. The hardest part of having 2 kids is getting them both to smile for the same photo.

2. It gets easier! The first few months were tough because they both needed so many different things: they didn't eat the same stuff, didn't eat at the same time, you couldn't bathe them together, they didn't play get the point! It was twice the work. More and more lately, these two are becoming buddies...and we can do more together now!

3. I worry less about Cohen than I did about Landon. What they say about the second child is have more experience, you cut a little more slack, and you stress less...which is nice!

4. For us, parenting is a team sport. Sean and I have always been teammates, but things definitely went up a notch since bringing Cohen home! So grateful to have a teammate like Sean in my life :)

We spent the day playing & picnicking at a park in Willow Glen, followed up by a sunny afternoon in the backyard, just goofing around. My kind of Sunday. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Landon Plays Spring Soccer

This Spring, Landon participated in his 3rd season of Kidz Love Soccer at our neighborhood community center. It is so much fun to watch our son play sports, and enjoy it. I hope we have many many years to come of cheering him from the sidelines.

Season 1: Fall 2013 (2 years old)

Season 2: Fall 2014 (3 years old)

Season 3: Spring 2015 (3.5 years old)

...and coming soon, Season 4: Fall 2015

After that, he'll join his first real team. I can't wait!