Friday, February 7, 2014

Lando Lingo: Second Installment

I know I am insanely behind on posting photos from the holidays and all of our adventures...get ready, those are coming soon! But, before that I want to share some of Landon's latest lingo. This kid surprises us and makes us laugh, daily! Can't believe how much he picks up on, how how much he comprehends!

Proper grammar overheard at the dinner table...
Landon: Here, Mama, have some snack!
Mama: No, thank you, Landon. Mommy's tummy hurts.
Landon: Oh, you don't feel well, Mama?

On a recent drive home from school...
Landon: Look, Mama, Leigh High School!
Mama: Awesome, buddy.
Landon: Mama, there is a basketball game today!
Mama: No, I don't think so buddy. Maybe tomorrow?
Landon: Okay, we go home and check the schedule with Dada.

While driving, his imagination comes out...
Landon: Mama, hurry, you gotta drive fast before that dinosaur gets us!

This morning while snuggling on the couch watching cartoons: 
Mama: (Yawn)
Landon: Mama, you tired?
Mama: Yes, I am tired.
Landon: But, you're happy right?
Mama: (In her head: happier than you'll ever know, little man!)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Iverson Baby Shower

I partnered up with Jeannine and Steph to throw a baby shower for Dan & Carlene! It was a blast working on the details, coming up with a menu, planning silly games (fun enough for a co-ed shower), and of course, celebrating Dan, Carlene...and their baby girl! Big big thank you to everyone who helped, and for everyone who came from near and far celebrate!