Monday, May 26, 2014

Landon's First Recital

Landon has been going to dance class every Tuesday at school for the last few months. The class is called "Hippity Hop", is organized by a group called CLAP Arts, and is geared towards 2 and 3 year olds. We only put him in the class after his teachers told us that he got very sad and upset when some of his classmates left to go to "dance class"...because he really wanted to go with them. We said -- why not!?

And, sure enough, he really likes it. Last week, they held their Spring Recital at school. Daddy was lucky enough to attend, and did a great job getting video and photos to share with me! (I had a really big presentation to the global VPs and Directors at work, so couldn't sneak away).

Our little ducky did a pretty good job! I was surprised at how well he listened, and remembered most of the moves. And, to be honest, was shocked that he didn't just run up to Daddy once he saw him in the crowd! Let the toddler cuteness overload begin:

Friday, May 16, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

We celebrated Mother's Day weekend this year down in Orange County with Sean's family. We flew down Friday with the most excited Landon we've ever seen! He's always loved flying, but now that he's older, he couldn't stop smiling, talking, and laughing! Lots of talk about "big blue airplanes" and how they "fly fly fly in the big blue sky"! He insisted on pushing his own suitcase through the airport. We also successfully took this trip without a stroller! Just as soon as we can start traveling without that extra gear...we're going to have another baby and be right back in the "pack half of the house with us" when we go on a trip! During flight, anytime the flight attendant came on the loudspeaker he'd say "that's not the captain!" He was waiting for the male voice, which he associated with the pilot aka "captain" -- weird! I wanted to explain to him that pilots can be boys or girls...but that gender bias life lesson will have to wait!

On Friday I was treated to a prenatal massage with Grandma Anne, Nicole, and Diane (thanks Rob!) and then we had a big family dinner at an Italian restaurant in San Clemente.

On Saturday, we hung out in Irvine with the Trettins & Grandma Donna! We explored the Children's Museum in Irvine, which Landon loved. That night, we went out to eat at a yummy Mexican restaurant in Irvine, and Landon rediscovered his love of rice! (For some reason this kid has refused to eat rice for months and months). Grandma Donna put a few spoonfuls of spanish rice on his plate and BOOM -- the kid ate it all, and asked for more! Another reminder to keep introducing foods over and over, even when he seems to have given up on them!

On Sunday, we had brunch at Nicole & Matthew's place with the fam! The boys cooked for us girls, and Landon enjoyed a few extra hours of play time with his cousin Emma, thanks to our flight being delayed a bit!

And, here is the card Landon picked out for me for Mother's Day this year. Adorable...complete with a picture he drew me of a "mountain" :)

All in all, a great weekend with our fun family. Landon was so worn out, that he slept the entire plane ride home.