Friday, February 1, 2013

My Little Seanie

Landon is growing & changing every day. More and more, I am seeing many of Sean's mannerisms, idiosyncrasies, and likes show up in Landon! A few examples...

1. Landon loves to dance. This little man cannot hear a beat without stopping, twisting, slapping his thighs, clapping his hands, and hoopin' and hollerin'. He dances in front of the TV, when I'm playing music in the kitchen, and in his car seat (my personal favorite).

2. Landon loves to throw stuff. And, this just in, he's learning how to catch! Here's a quick video clip of an indoor game of catch with Mama, with a necessary dance break, of course!

3. Landon now "kick kick kicks" a soccer ball. Sean was an amazing soccer player in his younger years, but I'm proud to help take credit for this one too! If Landon doesn't like soccer, I think our hearts will be broken...but that's for future Stace & Sean to deal with. For now, this little guy loves to 'kick kick kick' and even has a solid throw-in form in the making!

4. Landon loves to build stuff. I swear he's a little engineer in the making. He is really into his large lego blocks right now, and can build towers as tall as he is. He's displaying great patience, awesome hand-eye coordination, and improved motor skills.

5. Lastly, Landon likes order and putting things in their place. He knows that his sippy cup goes in the cup holder on his high chair tray. The other day, the top tray (with the cupholder) was dirty, so I fed him dinner on the main tray. You should have seen him: holding his sippy cup in both hands, examining the tray, looking for the cup holder slot. Eventually, he settled on putting the cup in the exact place on the tray where the cupholder would have been, but was definitely  not satisfied.


  1. Stace, he is growing so fast. I just love seeing videos of him. What a darling boy!

  2. He is a little athlete already! Love it!
