Friday, February 13, 2015

Bye Bye Baby Weight (Round Two)

It took longer than I thought, and longer than I'd like...but, finally the 40lbs I gained while pregnant with Cohen are finally gone! It took 16 weeks to lose it with Landon, and took 22 weeks for this big guy. I knew from the beginning that it felt like it was going to be tougher this time around, and it was.

At the beginning of January, with 12lbs left to lose, and only 5 weeks before I went back to work...I decided to try-out Baby Bootcamp. A group of Mamas (all with little ones ranging from newborn to preschool) get together 4 mornings a week in various locations (indoors & out) and pretty much get their butt kicked by Emma, mom of two, and certified personal trainer. The first class was TOUGH (let's be honest...I puked), but you know what? I went back the next day (and many days after that) and haven't puked since! 5 weeks of bootcamps and a whole lot of eating healthy later, the baby weight was gone right before I went back to work...whew!

I am really happy the pounds are off, and am eager to tackle the next few to lose.

Oh yeah, and the best part of bring your babies with you! Crying, nursing, changing diapers...all normal! Now that I am back to work, I can't join them for the morning workouts...but, I am working out on my own at home, and hope to rejoin them for an evening session once or twice a week, once we change our clocks!