Monday, October 1, 2012

Our Number One Turns One

We cannot believe that our little man is ONE. The last year has been: fast, rewarding, fun, fulfilling, exciting, exhausting, energizing, surprising, and so full of LOVE: love for Landon, love for each other, love for our family & friends (for their awesome love of Landon), and a new love for life! Someone told me recently that having children is so cool because its like everything is "new" again...and it is so true! Going to the park is WAY more exciting through the eyes of our little one...I can't wait to see what our first trip back to Disney with Landon in-tow will be like! 

I had grand plans of making his LRG Weekly into an awesome time-lapse slideshow set to music for you all to enjoy....but, life is busy, so you just get the completed album for your viewing pleasure today. You can choose the song to play as you scroll through 52 weeks of Landon! 

The Completed LRG Weekly: Link Here

Which Week is YOUR Favorite!? 


  1. I seriously cannot make a choice... EVERY week is my favorite! I love him so much and I cannot wait to see him this weekend!!!! xoxoxo

  2. You will always cherish that you took these weekly pictures. Just precious. Love you all Greenwood's. Love Loulee

  3. He is just so darling. I love 47 weeks!!!!!!!!! They are all such great photos, but week 47 is my favorite. Happy Orange October!
