Thursday, October 4, 2012

Birthday Morning & Proof We Have a Walker

On the morning of Landon's first birthday, we woke him up with the "Birthday Bear" his Loulee & Papa (my parents) got him! He is in love with this bear, and "dances" every time the bear sings to him!

In other news...we have a walker! Landon took his first steps on Sunday (2 days before his first birthday), and surpsrised us by taking TEN unassisted steps on the morning of his birthday! This video was taken tonight...this is how little man greeted me when I came home from work! He is changing SO FAST!


  1. Oh my god, so cute! So grown up!

  2. Awesome! Can't wait to see him in action later today...

  3. Shy baby, just like his mama was. So sweet baby.

  4. I love him! He is so cute and always so happy!
