Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Smiles, Smiles, and More Smiles

Landon is smiling more and more! My favorites:

- Early Morning Smiles: it's like he knows when its time to wake-up and start the day (sometime between 6:30 and 8:00am right now). We turn off his white-noise machine, open up the curtains & blinds, and start talking and singing to him. He knows it is no longer "ni-night" time, and is happy to get the chance to smile at us and talk back!

- Daddy Just Came Home From Work Smiles: more often than not, when Sean walks into the room (usually when he gets home from work each day), Landon gives him a huge smile! I've started having Sean start talking to him as soon as he walks in the door, and as he walks up the stairs. Landon hears him and starts looking around, as if he's saying, "I hear you DaDa...but where are YOU?"

- Mommy, You're So Silly Smiles: all it takes is a high-pitched squeak, a made-up song, or a big grin of my own to get little man to smile back!

- Middle of the Night Milk Drunk Smiles: these crack me up! After he's done eating, and burped a few times, I hold him so he can relax and start to fall back asleep. Before I put him back in the crib, he usually gives me what looks like a drunk, sloppy smile. It's know it is involuntary, but it is still pretty adorable because his eyes are closed, and the room is dark. I'd like to think it is his way of saying "thanks for getting up in the middle of the night to feed me, Mama!" 

Here are a few smiles from the last few days!


  1. He is so freaking cute! You are getting some great shots too, Stace!

  2. could not be cuter, this boy! you're doing a great job, momma! xoxo

  3. Thanks, Sion & TLee:) We are enjoying every day!

  4. simply adorable!!! he is just so so so cute!!!
