Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day Weekend 2014

The weekend before Cohen made his debut, Sean and I tried to pack in as much 'only child' fun for Landon we could! Landon's school is closed every year on the Thursday and Friday before Labor Day weekend, making for a very long weekend with our little one. Last year, we went to Tahoe with the Iversons (super fun). This year, given I was 39 weeks pregnant, we needed to stay a little closer to home, so did daily adventures with our first born!

On Thursday, Landon and I were joined by Carlene & Ainsley, and Trish & Ella at Bumble in Los Altos. It is the CUTEST brunch spot, that is THE MOST family friendly restaurant I've ever been to! The food is delicious, fresh, and healthy, there is a big outdoor sandbox, a huge fish tank, and an on-site daycare/preschool/classroom, should you choose to have an "adults only" meal. Seriously, every downtown needs one (or FOUR) of these places!

Afterwards, I promised to take Landon to the Red Racer Hobby Shop (if he was a good boy at brunch). He loves this place, and got to race the cars (all by himself), learning all about the track, the different cars, and how to use the controllers.

On Friday, Sean took off work early and we took Landon miniature golfing for the first time! He loved it, and played all 18 holes! Whenever I would try to call it "putt putt" or "mini golf" Landon would correct me by saying, "It is just 'GOLF' Mama, it is not 'MINI GOLF'!" I guess to him, there's nothing miniature about 20 foot dragons, and windmills that are 5x his size! After putt-putt, I enjoyed an Icee (yum) and Landon & Dada enjoyed a tour around the arcade. He loved playing air hockey and riding the motorcycle.

On Saturday, Landon had his first scheduled playdate with a friend from school, Miles. His parents invited Landon over for a morning of fun, and Sean and I enjoyed a quiet morning, a nice breakfast, and a little shopping (bonus)! We owe Doug & Jeanie a playdate this Fall, for sure!

On Sunday, we went to our favorite beach, Capitola. We go at "toddler hour" which means we leave our house before 8:30am, get there by 9am, have NO trouble parking super close, and enjoy the first foggy hour on the beach without the crowds. As the fog burns off, and the large crowds start to form, we are usually ready to pack it up, grab a bite to eat, then head home! We beat the traffic both ays...I love "toddler time" :)

On Monday, we hit up Happy Hollow and to our surprise, we have a scared-ee cat on our hands now! He didn't want to ride the roller coaster (which he did enthusiastically as a newly 2 year old), nor the cars, nor the carousel! Sean and I were surprised, but I guess it is a common's hoping it doesn't last long! (Let's just say I'm glad we went to Disneyland when we it would have been a MAJOR bummer if he were too "scared" to ride any rides there).

All that action over Labor Day Weekend, and no labor for this Mama! That's okay...Cohen took his time, and gave me my FULL four weeks off of work before he made his arrival on Saturday September 6th. Thanks for that buddy. Mama enjoyed her time off, and we all enjoyed our last weekend as a family of 3. More about *that* labor day coming soon...

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