Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pregnancy Update: 18 Weeks

Baby G2 has decided to take it easy on me since I hit week 16 of pregnancy. Bye-bye nausea, hello growing belly! I'm feeling so much better, and have enjoyed the extra comfort since trading in my jeans for maternity jeans and loose dresses! Haven't felt any movement or kicks yet, but I know it is just a few days away. We find out if Landon is getting a brother or a sister on April 17th, at our 20 week appointment. We'll be sure to share the exciting news as soon as we can!

Baby G2 at 14wks
Baby G2 says "hello" with a wave!
Mama Stace (Round 2) @ 18 Weeks


  1. Oh my gosh Stace, I cannot believe you find out in ten days if you have a boy or a girl in there! You look great!

  2. Looking awesome Mama! April 17th has a new note on the calendar: 'CHECK IN WITH STACE!'
