Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween 2013 (All 3 of Them)

Playing a pretty massive game of "catch-up" over here. December is here, Thanksgiving has come and gone, our Christmas tree is up...but I haven't yet blogged about Halloween! Well, here goes nothing:

Halloween #1: Googleween
Every year Google hosts 2 big Halloween parties: Googleween for kids and Googleween (for adults). Since Landon was born, I've opted for the kiddie version (robots, petting zoo, pumpkin patch, and music). Spare me the crazy Google employee costumes & free beer...the kid version is where its at! Highlights include:
- Sean getting to come this year (he missed it last year)!
- Landon actually putting on his costume (it was touch & go)
- Seeing Landon dance with an R2D2 robot
- Watching Landon mesmerized by a local high school robotics team, demo'ing their latest robots
- Getting to see (and meet) more of my coworkers' children! They are little miniature versions of us!

Halloween #2: Bright Horizons "Imagination Parade" 
Every year Landon's school hosts an "Imagination Parade" aka Halloween Costume Parade! Highlights include:
- Landon and his best buddy Cole both wearing astronaut costumes (one blue, one white)
- Landon showing off on the "big boy" playground by going down the slide face first (ACK!)
- Landon tackling his best buddy Cole with a "take-down-hug". He's so much bigger than his friends the same age, that when he hugs, he usually ends up tackling them to the ground!
- Seeing Landon walk in the parade with his friends, only to LOSE IT once he saw us, 'cause he thought we were going to leave without him! He cried the whole rest of the first lap, and I had to join him for the second lap.

Halloween #3: The Real One on Nelson Way
This year was awesome! As soon as my parents found out Landon was going to be an astronaut for Halloween (his choice between: fireman, astronaut, spiderman, or superman), they bought flights to come experience trick-or-treating on Nelson Way with us! Highlights include:
- Dressing up (those of you who know me well know that I really don't like costumes)! Let's just say that my son has me wrapped around his finger, and when he said I should be a "keeety-kat" for Halloween, I said "Consider it done"
- My Dad & Landon in matching costumes. Enough said.
- Special visitors: Jazzy, Dan, Carlene, Papa, and Loulee
- Landon saying "next door" after he'd finish getting candy at a house.
- Seeing him put his pumpkin in the wagon, then grab the handle of the wagon to pull it to the next house
- Landon making it around the entire block -- visiting at least 15 houses in the process!
- Seeing him dump out his candy on the dining room table when we got home with a big, excited "OOOOOHHH!"
- His reply when I said it was bath time: "It not bath time mama....its candy time!"


  1. Fun times on Nelson Way. Loved every minute of our visit. Thanks Ninny and Sean.
