Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summer Swim Lessons

Every Wednesday this Summer, Landon attended swim "lessons" at the Almaden Valley Athletic Club in San Jose. They have a great swim school, for kids of all ages, and run classes pretty much non-stop, all year-round. We've known we have a water bug on our hands since Lil LRG's first bath, so getting him the pool early was a must! It was great to see him get more familiar & comfortable in the water each week. He can go under, float on his back, "kick kick kick" and splash splash splash! Sean and I also learned a few things about water safety and how to get in and out of the pool safely with little man. 

Next Summer, we'll have to get some of our friends with little ones Landon's age to join us, so we can have an excuse to get together & hang-out once a week :)