Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Giggles Caught on Video!

After a record setting 5 day road trip all over California, we are proud to report that our boy is still happy! Check out the short videos below for proof!


  1. Just what I needed before I go to bed. I love him cannot wait to see him and hold him again the morrow. Yeah!!!!

  2. Giggles are the best!!! So happy to finally meet little Landon...he's adorable and you guys are awesome parents :)

  3. love love love...safe travels sean and stace.. you have precious cargo. it was so nice to hold my dear nephew... till next time. love, me

  4. SO AWESOME! My favorite part of these videos though (excluding the adorable squeal of glee that I replayed about 4 times - OMG!)is the reaction of you and Sean. Pure joy, pride, adoration, love - you guys are having as much fun as he is! <3
