Monday, August 1, 2011

BabyG in 3D!

A few weeks back, Sean and I went in for our second attempt at a 3D ultrasound (the first time around, BabyG was too shy, with his/her head down, and facing my back...the worst possible position to see its little face). So, we geared up for round 2, and luckily were not disappointed. Our little one showed us his/her face & hands (we didn't go below the belt for obvious reasons). We got to see him/her yawn, stretch, blink, and even play peek-a-boo! We got a bunch of images (the best are posted below) and even got a video. Don't worry, we are not going to post the 25 minute video of unborn kid for you all to see...but, we did burn copies for the Grandparents (who all loved it).

The 3D pictures only confused me now I am completely at a loss. I really don't know if this little baby is a boy or girl. I guess I'll have to wait 2 more months to find out! Sean, on the other hand, is back in the "we are having a girl" camp. We're seriously clueless.

Enjoy BabyG in 3D!

By the end of the session, little BabyG was totally over it and started to cover up his/her face, as if he/she were saying "Enough with all of the pictures, Mom!". Our baby should get used to having its picture taken...don't you think? 

Who do YOU think BabyG looks like?


  1. beautiful baby! the fact that technology allows for such clear shots of your UNBORN CHILD still boggles my mind. i can't wait to meet this little one!

  2. I think Baby G(irl) looks like Merritt.

  3. baby g is definitely a girley... woo hoo... girls rock, ok boys do too.. but i am sticking to my girl prediction... love you all.....
