Friday, March 6, 2015

Cohen's Six Month Check-Up

Cannot believe this little (big) guy is already 6 months old! We had his check-up with Dr. Barone a few weeks ago, and can't believe how much he's growing:

Weight: 22.5lbs (99th)
Height: 28in (93rd)
Head: 46cm (99th)

For comparison sake, here were Landon's stats at 6mos: 

Weight: 18.6lbs (58th)
Length: 27.8in (78th)

Head Circumference: 18in (95th)

Here's what baby brother has been up to lately:

- Sitting up
- He cut two teeth!
- Eating: mommy's milk, rice cereal, sweet potatoes, carrots, and butternut squash
- He sleeps pretty well at night, sleeping through the night about half the time, waking up to eat once per night the rest of the time
- Daycare: he's been in the infant room at Bright Horizons for about a month now, and has adjusted really well! Considering he wouldn't take a bottle for the first few days, and had trouble napping there at first...he's really come around! When I drop him off in the morning he is happy to see his teacher & friends, and eager to get down on the floor to explore the toys
- His favorite person in the world is definitely Landon. He reserves his best smiles and loudest laughs for big bro. It is absolutely adorable to watch them interact with each other

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