Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween Recap

Those of you who know me well, know that I don't really like Halloween. I've never been a big fan of costumes and I despise scary movies because I am a pretty big chicken. I am proud to report that Halloween is fun, now :) I had such a wonderful time with Landon this year: picking out pumpkins in Half Moon Bay, choosing his Ewok costume (and actually getting excited about it), bringing him to the Googleween party for kids last week, attending his pre-school's costume parade on Halloween afternoon, and best of all...trick-or-treating with him for the first time that evening! He was ecstatic all night: be-bopping around, wanting to walk out into the street to see the kids, dogs, and parents roaming around. He wandered from group to group, as if he was saying "hey guys, wanna play? hey, will you be my friend? hi, what are you dressed up as?" It was A-DOR-A-BLE! We met tons of neighbors (and their kids that night). I swear, we live on a street of ALL BOYS. We haven't even been here a month, and but I just know Landon is going to be so happy here!

Landon and his Merryhill Buddies at the Halloween Costume Parade

6 cute toddlers making their way around the playground during the parade!

Mom & Dad with our boy on Halloween after the costume parade at school! 

Let's go home and get ready for trick-or-treating!

Ready to go, Mom!

What's this orange thing for!?

Cutest little Ewok...we so love this little guy!

Heading down Nelson Way to hit up our first house! 

At our next-door-neighbor's place...Landon's first trick-or-treating experience, photographed!

Snuck in a quick family photo before it got dark (and before we got bombarded by trick-or-treaters)!

1 comment:

  1. He so was thinking in the parade "everybody has Mom and Dads here, where are my parents? Oh yea here they are. Loved this video Nin.
