Friday, October 7, 2011

The Landon FAQ

It is hard to believe that it has only been 6 days since little Landon made his (on time) debut! There are a few stories and updates I wanted to share with all of you, so read on if you want to learn more about how our little man came into the world!

How long did labor take? 
I started having regular contractions at 6pm on Friday September 30th. Landon was born on Sunday October 2nd at 7:44am. You do the math.

How long did you push? 
We (and I say "we" because Sean was the best teammate ever) pushed from 5:15am to 7:44am (about 2.5 hrs). It felt like an eternity...but I know some women who pushed for 3-4hrs with their first babies, so I guess I'm just glad it wasn't a minute longer!

Did you really tell Sean to "suck it up" in the delivery room? 
No. No. No! I did groan or yell the phrase "suck it up" during my 2.5hr pushing session, however, it was directed solely at myself...not at Sean! I needed to dig deep, pulling from energy reserves and bravery that I didn't know I had, in order to get through it.

Is it true that the NICU nurses asked what the BabyG's name was before they told us the sex? 
Yes! Sean and I both were DYING to find out if our little BabyG was a boy or girl. Because the NICU nurses didn't know that we didn't know, their first question to us as they whisked little Landon away to be cleaned up was "what's the name!?!?" to which Sean and I replied in unison, "what is it?" They laughed, told us it was a baby boy, and I we got to FINALLY, FINALLY say our little man's name out loud, "Landon Robert".

What's up with that splint on his arm? 
The splint-looking device on his arm was an IV (shielded so he couldn't accidentally knock it out). During labor, I spiked a fever. The doctors were worried I may have an infection (chorioamnionitis), common in longer labors. They took every precaution necessary, which included putting me on IV antibiotics immediately. To ensure that Landon was infection free, they needed to start him on IV antibiotics right after birth. In addition, he was placed on a 48hr hold for observation and monitoring. That meant that he spent his entire hospital stay in the Intermediate Care Nursery. Sean and I were able to visit him as often as we wanted.

How did you choose his name? 
Sean has loved the name Landon for as long as I've known him. The name has grown on me over the years, and when I found out he wanted the middle name to be Robert (after his Dad Rob, and his Grandpa Bob), we shook on it!

Is it true Landon was born on Grandpa Bob's Birthday? 
Yup. Pretty cool, right?

So, what would you have named BabyG if it had been a girl? 
That secret is safe with us. It is a name we both love, that also has family, we are keeping it under wraps for now.

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